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Outstanding Hair Smoothing Treatment combining the best of Technology with Organic Oils from Brazil & Morocco.
High Quality Results with ZERO Formaldehyde and with 0% of it  (or any other harmful chemical) in its composition. 

How it works?




1- You need to wash your hair with your regular shampoo and conditioner,it would be best to do it 1 or 2  day before to prevent any kind of scalp irritation as most of us don't wash their hair the proper way. Sine Oumnia Protein has Amino acid , if your over wash your hair and/or apply it the same day you will experience burning sensation instead or tingling.Oumnia protein has to be applied on clean hair (no oil, serum ... )and 100% dry

2- Apply the protein in your hair the same way you apply a hair dye from the roots ( Hair must be 100% dry before applying the product). You only use enough products to cover the hair adding more won't make it smoother and will make it so hard to dry it before applying the flat iron. Also Do Not Use thin comb because it will remove the product , if you have to use the large one or a brush)

Once done cover it with plastic wrap and leave it 45-60 min ( it’s gonna Itch which is normal)

3- After the time is over spray you hair with water ( just wet it not wash it , because u want to keep the product on your hair ).

4- You remove the water access ( squeeze it simply between your hand and Do Not use the towel like on the video unless you are a professional  ) then dry it well with hair dryer and a brush ( no need to pull the hair brush it gently). If you are not able to dry it that means you put a lot of products which is fine but expect to see smoke and that's normal since our product contains oils.

5- Flat iron your hair small section by small section ( the flat iron must be 1 inch , 450 Fahrenheit and a professional one to be able to seal the product properly) once you done ,brush your hair ( use large comb or brush, Do Not use thin comb) and do it again just to make sure you didn’t miss any spot.( hair should feel very oily and frizzy )

6- Wash it once the hair cool off or the next day with water ( no shampoo) until the product is completed gone from the hair and water looks clear,then use Oumnia hair mask ( leave Oumnia Mask 15-20min then rinse it ). If you don't have the mask simply use your regular conditioner.

7- Let it dry naturally and enjoy your new healthy, Shinny smooth hair

Please contact us if you're not sure about something or have any questions about any of the steps.




Outstanding Hair Smoothing Treatment combining the best of Technology with Organic Oils from Brazil & Morocco. High Quality Results with ZERO Formaldehyde. Our worldwide reknowned formula achieves oustanding smoothing and healthy hair results, without using any harmful chemical components.

Some characteristics includes:

- Full Straightening & Smoothing Results

- Frizz and Volume Reduction

- Shiny and Healthy Guarenteed Results

- Made with State-of-Art Technology for Hair Smoothing

- Made with Moroccan Argan Oils

- Made with Brazilian Coconut Oils

- ZERO Formaldehyde

- Easy and Simple One-Step Application


                                                                                           Safety Wick Testing:

Despite its high compatibility with other chemicals, we suggest performing a "Safety Wick Test" to check the possibility of using the product, especially if any chemical procedure has been performed recently.


Separate a thin strand of hair, prepare the product and apply on the strand, leaving the indicated action time.


Wash the strand. If the hair is broken, very elastic or is heated, it is a sign that this hair is not in condition for using the product. Do not perform any hair chemical procedures on the same day. 

If you are thinking of coloring your hair lighter (blonde highlights etc.) it's better to apply Oumnia’s smoothing product after ( not the same day ) so it helps seal the color and its shine.

If you want to color it darker (black, red, violet etc.), it's best to do it after applying Oumnia’s product so you can preserve the darker color as applying it after would cause lightning.

By purchasing any products from Oumnia Smoothing Protein, LLC, you agree that applicable federal law, and the laws of the state of Illinois, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern all purchases and any disputes of any sort that might arise between you and Oumnia Smoothing Protein, LLC. By purchasing products from Oumnia Smoothing Protein, LLC, you also agree to pay Oumnia Smoothing Protein, LLC’s attorney’s fees if any legal dispute arises between you and Oumnia Smoothing Protein, LLC.

Get the smoothing, shiny and healthy hair you always dreamed of ♥

             Real Customers Reviews

Our company welcomes and accepts positive and negative reviews, unfortunately we’ve been having a lot of fake ones. In order to differentiate between our real customers feedback and fake reviews, please include the date and order number .

While we welcome and accept negative reviews ,we will not tolerate a false defamatory statements that were intentionally published to destroy the brand reputation.As a result,any negative reviews that does not meet the above requirements will automatically be delete it.

Real Customers Reviews


Our worldwide reknowned formula achieves oustanding smoothing and healthy hair results, without using any harmful chemical components.

Perfect Results with
ZERO Formaldehyde

Our products rely on Coconut & Argan Oils, promoting incredible regeneration and protection effects for your hair health.

Brazilian and Moroccan Organic Acids & Oils

Argan Seed and Oils Oumnia Protein Naper


Hi! My name is Oumnia Maettaoui, I live in Naperville, IL, United States. I am a proud mother of two beautiful children, and I experience the same difficulties that most women have when taking care of their families, well-being and self-esteem, all at the same time.

I always had dry and messy hair, and my dream was to get the type of hair I wanted most - soft, shiny, smooth and healthy.

We know that it is often difficult to find time to go to the beauty salon and perform complex and often very expensive hair treatments, especially when our priority is to take care of our families and our professional careers.

With that in mind, I worked hard to develop Oumnia Smoothing Protein, a smoothing protein that is easy to use, fast and practical, made with organic and natural components of Brazilian and Moroccan fauna. Using the best in technology made it possible for you to have professional, high-quality results in the comfort of your own home.

Our company was born with the purpose of helping you find happiness through beauty, health and self-esteem. Count on us and I sincerely hope that we can help you have the hair you always dreamed of.

About Oumnia

"Happiness is...
A good hair day."

Anchor 1


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